Friday, 6 May 2011

Saving Private Ryan

After the invasion of fortress Europe on June 6th 1944, Tom Hanks leads his squad from the 2nd Ranger Battalion of the 29th Infantry Division, on a mission to find and bring home Private James Francis Ryan after the death of his brothers. The mission takes them through Nazi occupied territory to establish contact with Ryan's unit an element of the 101st Airborne Division. This exiting war thriller brings the reality of history's bloodiest war into the homes of ordinary people, but also brings into light the reality of broken and lost families in a time of total and encompassing war.

How it relates to my Radio Play:

-Genre: War, saving the ones you love, family and hope

-Content: The sense of saving the ones you love and care about (Through the way the mother asks that her last surviving son is to return home. )

- No one gets left behind: Billy wants to save Helena no mattter how serious or dangerous the situation gets which is similar to Tom Hanks' character seeking to find Private Ryan.

- War and relationships during the time of WW2.

Dialogue: Looking back on events

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